Hyundai NG MBT

Hyundai Rotem in South Korea revealed several Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS) in development at military tradeshow DX 2022. Among them was the NG-MBT, an unmanned tank with extensive autonomous features. More recently, at ADEX 2023, the NG-MBT was shown alongside an armoured UGS and multi-purpose UGSs that can be modularly equipped with several payloads - including sensors, weapons, and drone docking stations. These UGSs can be deployed in autonomously communicating squads or in man-machine symbiotic missions, and drive autonomously along route-points or in follow-the-leader scenarios.
Basic Weapon Facts
I. Background
- Manufacturer: Hyundai Rotem
- Collaborators: Unknown
- Country of Origin: South Korea
- System Version: Unknown
- System Type: Unmanned Ground System
II. General Specifications
- System Dimensions: Unknown
- Weight: 55000 kg
- Max Payload: Unknown
- Max Operating Time: Unknown. Powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
- Max Operating Distance/Reach: Unknown
- Max Speed: 50 / 70 Km/h
III. Autonomy
Autonomous Targeting Capabilities: The system integrates AI in battlefield surveilling and target identification features "providing critical information on threats and firing solutions". Autonomous engagement of targets is not currently advertised, but there are possible concerns about the independance of human decision making in AI-guided fire-prompt situations.
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