Kratos UTAP 22 Mako

Kratos' UTAP-22 Mako (Unmanned Tactical Aerial Platform) was designed as the unmanned (UAS) counterpart or wingman to manned warfighters. It was revealed in 2015.
Basic Weapon Facts
I. Background
- Manufacturer: Kratos
- Suppliers: United States Air Force (USAF)
- Country of origin: USA
- Developmental stage: Operational
- System version: Based on the USAF BQM-167A
- System type: UAS
II. General Specifications
- System dimensions: Length: 6.1 m. Wingspan 3.2 m
- Weight: Max 930 kg (dry weight: 159 kg)
- Max payload: Typically 318 kg
- Max operating time: 3 hrs
- Max operating Distance/Reach: 2593 km
- Max speed: 9 mach
III. Autonomy
Autonomous Targeting capabilities: According to Airforce-Technology, the system has the capacity to "coordinate semi-autonomous deployment of payload and dispersed from formation to perform an independent function with a subsequent re-join". The system is equipped with Karatos' Skyborg autonomous core system.
- Manufacturer websites:
- News reports: